Archives January 2020

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Today we’re going to talk about a condition that affects most of the population. It affects women more than men.

On average it’ll affect you when you are in your 50s this particular condition is called a frozen shoulder.

frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is characterized by a gradual loss of motion at the shoulder joint with unfortunately a significant amount of pain. Now the motion loss in a frozen the shoulder is going to be, all movements of the shoulder.

Characteristics of Shoulder Joint

  • The gradual loss of motion and an increase in pain
  • Contracture and adhesion within the joint capsule
  • 3:1 ratio, women to men
  • Medical age 50
  • The capsular pattern is a definitive diagnosis.

So what we mean is you won’t be able to reach behind your back, you won’t be able to reach across your body, you won’t be able to reach up all of those movements will be lost.

That is the true characteristic of a frozen shoulder. Let’s look at the clinical term of frozen shoulder, the clinical term for frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis.
So what does that mean, adhesive means getting stuck together,
Capsulitis, tis means inflammation. The shoulder joint is inflamed and its end is getting adhered or stuck together thus you start losing motion at the shoulder.

What’s interesting about a frozen shoulder is that we really don’t
know what causes it often will come on spontaneously.


Primary Frozen Shoulder

  • Causes Unknown
  • Occurs without injury

Secondary Frozen Shoulder

  • Fracture/ Surgery
  • Impingement
  • Stroke
  • Link to Parkinson’s and diabetes.

There isn’t really any injury that occurs we do know that it is more more
commonly seen in people with diabetes or in people with Parkinson’s.

Another very interesting thing about a frozen shoulder is that if you do nothing about it, meaning you don’t seek out any treatment, the frozen shoulder will actually get better.


Stage 1: Freezing

  • Most painful stage
  • Acute inflammation
  • All movements painful
  • A gradual loss of motion
  • 6 weeks to 9 months

Stage 2: Frozen

  • Stuck arm
  • No longer losing motion, slow reduction in pain
  • 4-9 months

Stage 3: Thawing

  • Minimal to no pain
  • The gradual return of motion
  • 5-26 months

All frozen shoulders go through these three phases. Now the time
frame for how long these stages are varies person to person.

Putting all those numbers together, a frozen shoulder at its quickest will resolve in ten months at its longest, it will resolve in three years.

This is where physical therapy comes into play.


Freezing Stage

  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Modalities for pain control
  • Very gentle motion
  • Minimal physical therapy

Frozen Stage

  • Physical therapy for joint mobilization

Thawing Stage

  • Home exercise maintenance

6 Main Reasons for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain may be resulting from a lot of issues. This is due to the fact the shoulder is comprised of several critical blocks, including tendons, cartilage and the bone. The shoulder itself is a ball-and-socket joint, which allows a wide variety of movement.

Shoulder Pain in man

Shoulder pain can range from pain just with moving the shoulder to the inability to raise the arms overhead or feeling weak. Here are five potential reasons for such shoulder ache:

Top Reasons for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Arthritis: This can be because of regular wear and tear.
Frozen Shoulder: If you have a frozen shoulder, the inner lining of your shoulder has become infected and tight. This is stopping you from having full motion and additionally causing pain.
Shoulder Dislocation: A dislocation is when the ball slides out of the socket. Athletic harm or falls most generally causes shoulder Dislocation.
Shoulder Fractures: A shoulder fracture is another word for a broken shoulder. It may be due to breaking of the ball, socket or scapula.
Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff is in which the four tendons that encompass the ball of the shoulder meet. Injuries to the rotator cuff can reason shoulder pain.

Treatment for shoulder pain depends on your situation. It could include medication, rehabilitation or surgery. Find a hand surgeon near you to speak about your ache with a doctor. Hand surgeons can deal with all kinds of injuries, from the fingertip to the shoulder.


Shoulder Rehabilitation Workshop

Dr. Chintan Desai, top shoulder arthroscopy and replacement surgery specialist surgeon in mumbai and Manasi Rajadhyaksha, Sports Physiotherapist conducted a shoulder rehabilitation workshop for physiotherapist at Nirmala Hospital, Lower Parel, Mumbai. The worksop focussed on the surgeon therapist interaction and when they work together it leads to better patient outcomes.